Saturday 30 May 2009

Friday 29th May 2009
Saw a Barn Owl tonight near Colaton Raleigh and then had Tawny Owl by the house - first time I have seen/heard one for at least 6 weeks.

Well, as I have been a bit slack at updating, I thought I should throw in a few photos from the last couple of weeks. Painted Lady butterflies seem to be all the talk at the moment due to the huge influx that the UK is experiencing at present, so a photo of one seen on the seafront today, plus a big fat dirty Maple and Pecan Slice! What a result and definitely from the best Bakers in town!
Sounds like there is a Great Knot in Norfolk today - We shall see if the mood takes me.........


  1. Even Jaffa has a blog now !!.... and I'm liking the cake theme....I too am a serious pudding lover... we have never discussed this interest we have in common !!

    Hows it going in the SW anyway ? Still doing lots of nice trips ? See much of Andy Stan ?

    Check out my blog.... I'll link you up....


  2. Jaff,
    beautiful shot of the maple and peacon tart. Well captured. Very evocative.
