Good friends of ours Dot and Mark came to visit for the weekend and it was certainly a great weather weekend! Saturday involved a big hike onto Dartmoor where birds were, perhaps not too surprisingly, few and far between with highlights being my first Wheatears of the year and an unusual find by the Mrs of a Black Redstart at Yes Tor.
Black Tor, Dartmoor
Today (Sunday) I slipped out to the Otter first thing and the main highlights were
2 Green Sandpiper first found on the River Otter north of White Bridge where they were disturbed by walkers an then settled briefly on the wet flash nearby. I last saw them on the southern side of the bridge near the scrapes. Teal are down to around 8-10 birds and a Sedge Warbler showed well by White Bridge. Also the pair of Red-breated Merganser still present on the river this evening.
On a different note: I have recently received a few comments about the lack of cakes and the complete absence of Cream Teas. In fact some have even had the audacity to suggest that my blog is inappropriately named
So, I agree it has been a long time coming, but finally a Cream Tea showed well enough near Exmouth today, allowing me to get a record shot and, Lee - I am standing up!

Well, I guess I speak for all said complainants when I say "ABOUT BLOODY TIME"! This charade couldn't have been allowed to go on for much longer, and very soon I would have been forced to contact Blogger about fraudulent blog naming. Having said that, there's no evidence of any tea being consumed, but I'll let that go for now.