Now returned from a very enjoyable 2 weeks in the Azores, spending 12 days on beautiful Flores Island, the most westerly point in the Western Palearctic. Flores is a stunning island full of vagrant promise and a very exciting place to be.
Our first week was dominated by high pressure, warm temperatures and southerly winds so the chance of American vagrants were fairly limited, but still there was plenty to keep us interested. Highlight of our first week was without doubt seeing the long staying Snowy Owl. It was first discovered on Flores in May but reported sightings prior to our visit were few and far between. Despite looking daily, we only caught up with it on day six when the Mrs pulled it out of the bag whist having a coffee! Other highlights were as below.
Week Two to follow.......
Aldeia da Cuada, our home whilst on Flores |
Female Snowy Owl, 3rd October 2014, Faja Grande, Flores |
This bird was in the amazing setting of Faja Grande with its numerous waterfalls as a backdrop |
The bird had been present on Flores since May 2014 and amazingly after our sighting the bird relocated to Corvo despite being in extreme wing moult |
Lesser Yellowlegs and Azores Gull, Ponta do Albarnaz, Flores |
The spectacular scenery of Faja Grande, the Western Palearctic's most westerly village on Flores |
Drake Wood Duck, Lagoa Branca, Flores - a returning bird for at least its 4th Autumn plus a presumed hybrid Black Duck? Quite grey tertials and pale tail sides |
Lagoa Branca, Flores - home to the Wood Duck |
Buff-breasted Sandpiper, Ponta do Albarnaz, Flores |
The constant stunning backdrop whilst birding on the west side of Flores |
Just found this link on while reliving my too brief stay at Cuada. Carlos was a gem and your photos are wonderful. Hope to return there some day. Thanks for sharing!