Monday 13th & Tuesday 14th September
Well, I guess it couldn't last forever, but finally the great spectacle of 20 Glossy Ibis on the patch ended yesterday morning as 18 birds departed and headed east. They were seen over Beer Head early morning at around 07.20hrs and were later seen over Dungeness in Kent at 15.00hrs - not bad going! The good news is, we still have two (unringed) birds feeding quite happily in fields north of White Bridge - maybe they shall stay a little while longer - we shall see? William (the wintering Whimbrel) is conspicuous by his absence!
Birds today during a brief late evening visit, included a cracking juvenile Little Stint on the estuary, along with 3 Dunlin, 11 Ringed Plover, 2 Greenshank and 1 Black-tailed Godwit - That's pretty impressive for the Otter! The 2 Glossy Ibis flew to roost at 19.20hrs.
Still good numbers of Dragonflies around over the last few days with both Southern Hawker and Migrant Hawker (photo below).

Well, I guess it couldn't last forever, but finally the great spectacle of 20 Glossy Ibis on the patch ended yesterday morning as 18 birds departed and headed east. They were seen over Beer Head early morning at around 07.20hrs and were later seen over Dungeness in Kent at 15.00hrs - not bad going! The good news is, we still have two (unringed) birds feeding quite happily in fields north of White Bridge - maybe they shall stay a little while longer - we shall see? William (the wintering Whimbrel) is conspicuous by his absence!
Birds today during a brief late evening visit, included a cracking juvenile Little Stint on the estuary, along with 3 Dunlin, 11 Ringed Plover, 2 Greenshank and 1 Black-tailed Godwit - That's pretty impressive for the Otter! The 2 Glossy Ibis flew to roost at 19.20hrs.
Still good numbers of Dragonflies around over the last few days with both Southern Hawker and Migrant Hawker (photo below).
Lovely shot Jaffa